Below are some comments we have received over the years from our amazing customers:
Good Morning,
I am sending this email just to say THANK YOU!. I purchased the Nourishing Hair & Body Oil (love the scent) and the Gentle Foaming Facial Cleanser. Purchased both from Goodness Me. It has been the best thing i have ever done in terms of skincare products. I have always suffered from dry, sensitive & reactive skin, but for the first time in my life I actually have softer skin.
The face cleanser is so gentle and has cleared up my rosacea completely....I cannot thank you enough for that. The body oil has restored whatever it was I was lacking....again THANK YOU.I especially love that this is all Canadian made!
From an extremely happy consumer....keep doing what you are doing!!
Your product has given me back so much!!!!!
- Susan
Hello - I have been using your face products for a little over a month now and wanted to reach out. I have had acne since my teens and have tried countless products, brands, items, etc to try and clear my complexion. Couple acne with very sensitive skin and redness - not a good look at all. Throw in being in my 30s and never not having some sort of breakout at any time, and it was a hot mess.
I don't even know how I stumbled onto your website but I am so glad I did. I ordered the face products and, for the first time in my life, I do not have any breaks outs. Further - I have not had even one blemish in the month I have been using these items. This is UNHEARD of for me and I felt the need to reach out and say thank you. My skin is clear. My skin is amazing. For the first time in my 36 years I don't have acne or dry skin. More telling however is I have reordered the products and will continue to use. Previously I hopped from one to another since I did not see results.
I'm in the States and it was a random Google search that landed me on your website, and you can believe I am spreading the word to anyone and everyone about your amazing products.
Thank you. Your products have completely changed both myself and my skin. - Kate.
Yesterday afternoon I placed an order for two medium gift sets. This morning they were at my front door at 9:00 and in my world this is nothing short of a miracle! I do not know what special arrangement you have with the post office I am familiar with but I am truly impressed.
One of the gift sets was for me to try and again I am so truly impressed that I am about to order two more which I will be proud to give to family and friends. Your products are excellent, your service is impressive and I am delighted to support local initiatives that are also earth friendly. I look forward to the development of more. I became aware of you through the Gazette article yesterday and was attracted by the name Smith Farms as I, too, grew up on a farm. The experience is something that never leaves you.
I do appreciate the free shipping,the exceptional service and the personal note...I believe that doing business with Smith Farms is a rare treat!
Thank you for excellence! -Linda Henderson, Montreal
Hello Smith Farms!
I just wanted to write you a simple note to tell you that your products are seriously the best I have used in a very, very long time.
My hands get very dry and cracked and have used everything to help heal them. From simple vaseline to olive oil. You name it I probably bought it. I got your hand cream and body lotion as a gift from a friend of mine. I CANNOT STOP PASSING IT AROUND! Telling everyone how amazing it is! Not only did it help heal my cracked hands, but the
smell is just beautiful!
Keep up the amazing work and I can't wait to get more of your stuff! - Tara, Montreal
Hello, I'm a 24 years old woman who suffer from atopic eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, endogenous eczema or infantile eczema). Some days my skin disorders were so bad I couldn't even leave my house. Your products have changed my life in the short-term and maybe even saved my life in the long-term.
Your products have done wonders for my hands more than what the doctor prescribed me. I also love the toner it’s so refreshing when I put it on.
I have tried thousands of creams, but yours really soothes dry skin, reduces inflammation, relieves the itching and improves my skin's appearance. From now on I will use only your products! Thank you so much ! - Brigitte, Montreal
Years back I tried to run a company where I made my own creams. I know what a task this is. I had been making my own creams, tinctures, syrups etc. for many years. I raised 4 children making my own medicines. Although my products where very good, I did not have the business skills it takes. Congratulations. You have managed to have all it takes.
The energies of your products also hold a higher frequency then the norm. You must love the work you are doing. Your Father often comes into the store and glows when he speaks of you. I have been wanting to write this for a while but between my ours at the store and my hours with clients....well... I did it now.
I just purchased your beer soap for my sons and my son-in-laws and for my birthday I got myself a new bottle of your oil.
Besides feedback from an article I thought you deserved to hear first hand the appreciation for your work. Bless you to continued growing success. - Susan, Montreal
I love the products. They smell and feel fantastic! I have hyper sensitive skin so it is really hard to find products for my skin that don't cause a reaction. So far Smith Farms Products are the best I have found! I was using a very expensive and critically acclaimed skin care system before but I found that even though they use less fillers and were artificial colour and fragrance free there were still parabens and other fillers in their products. I have a rash all over my hands and even the hand cream my dermatologist suggested made it burn. I am so impressed. Thanks again! Everyone I know will hear about Smith Farms! - Danielle
I'm so happy to have finally found locally made, organic beauty products. I especially love their hand cream - not only does it smell good, but it really keeps my hands soft and moisturized, for a long time! - Isabelle Pilon, Montreal
I was very proud to offer my clients a gift set from Smith Farms Products. The lavender was a hit, as was the soap. They are asking me when your face soap will be available!. - Tracey Berman, Montreal
Smith Farms made some fragrant and rich lavender soaps as favors for my wedding last summer. I didn't give them much time to prepare, but Becky and Julia were incredibly fast. Within the span of a two weeks, they had given me samples, presented new and different bar design options, and came up with a tasteful wrapping that matched the reception colors and themes to a 'T'. The best part was, it was easy to trust them, and easy to communicate, and so I was able concentrate on other details. Needless to say, the favors were a hit! Almost a year out now, our guests still rave about the band, the food, the dancing...and the soap! - Kathryn Andrews, Montreal
Love the body lotion – my skin is quite sensitive (usually do not try anything new out of fear it might make it worse) but used yours this morning & no red marks! I also like the lip balm with color, so pretty! - Angela, Montreal
I love that the oil smells like Kenyan flowers- it brought a tear to my eye. I love the soap as its so gentle, and I put the lavendar on my pillow every morning so that its the first thing I smell when I go to bed. The body lotion and butter are wonderful too. This old skin is just sucking it all up and enjoying the affection. - Allison, Milton
Hi Julia & Becky! Your hand cream is just short of miraculous for eczema – I have given it to my aunt and boss for who cortisone cream wasn't even working, and she can't believe it. I will be using it on all my skin ailments! I want to talk to some stores in my neighbourhood in Toronto (Roncesvalles) about carrying some of your products. Do you guys have samples? Merci et Joyeux Noël! - Julie
“Hello Smith Farms! I just wanted to drop a note and let you know that I absolutely adore your products. I was born and raised on a farm and ever since I moved away for school I try and get back to the country as much as I can. It makes me so excited to see such amazing, natural products that are created and sourced in such a wholesome way.
Your products have done wonders for my hands more than what the doctor prescribed me. I also love the toner it’s so refreshing when I put it on.
Your package with the exquisite products just arrived. THANK-YOU! And much gratitude for the gift of the hand cream. So very generous of you. Please know that you get gold stars for the body butter and the facial toner. Your products radiate the light of love. I am going to introduce them to my friend who is a Dr. Hauschka aesthetician. Perhaps she'll choose to sign on too.
...I received my order last week and I use every day the Ultra-Rich Body Butter. Girls, you got it! The smell is amazing, the cream is rich and moisturizing. I'm a runner and my feet are always dry, I saw instantly the difference. Definitively THE cream to have on hand for winter weather! I really like your products and I am proud to have found quality product made here in Québec!
Besides the awesome products – that’s why I love Smith Farms, because I don’t just feel like ‘another order’
Good Morning!
Everything arrived fine! I love the products. They smell and feel fantastic! I have hyper sensitive skin so it is really hard to find products for my skin that don’t cause a reaction. So far Smith Farms Products are the best I have found! I was using a very expensive and critically acclaimed skin care system before but I found that even though they use less fillers and were artificial colour and fragrance free there were still parabens and other fillers in their products. Thanks so much for the extra hand cream, The best!
I have a rash all over my hands and even the hand cream my dermatologist suggested made it burn. I am so impressed. Thanks again! Everyone I know will hear about Smith Farms!
Julia and Becky – Thank you so much for developing the lovely Smith Farms products! I love the natural ingredients, the gorgeous scents, the attractive & functional packaging – but most of all they really deliver. My skin feels so fresh and pure. Bonus – supporting a Canadian business started by two women following a dream! - Shauna
I want to congratulate you on your fine products. My name is Susan and I work at a health food store in DDO. I am a Naturopath as well as energetic healer. I bought your oil over a year ago. I used it in my hair and on special occasions I spoiled myself by using it on my body. When my Grandson was about to arrive I bought the oil for my daughter. She used it on herself, my Grand-baby girl and then on Grand-baby boy. The other night I used it on a client as I treated her to a session of body reflexology. I try to introduce it to as many clients as possible at the store.